Account Settings (Dashboard)

Administrator Help Topic

Administrators can manage account settings by clicking on their name in the top right of the View and selecting Admin, then clicking Account Settings in the left-hand panel.

Two Factor Authentication Required

Check this box if you wish to require two-factor authentication in conjunction with Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator.  When a new user attempts to sign in, they will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication using either the Google or Microsoft authenticator application.  When you turn on two-factor authentication, you’ll also be prompted to enter the number of expiration days after which users will be prompted to update their two-factor authentication.

Update Past Due Close Dates for Open Opportunities

Enter a date into the “Update past due Close Date for open Opportunities” field then click the Update button to update all past due close dates to the desired date for Opportunities with Opportunity Stages where the Stage Type = “Open”.

Automatically Update Past Due Close Dates for Open Opportunities

Check the “Automatically update past due Close Date to today” box to automatically update (overnight) all past due close dates to today’s date for Opportunities with Opportunity Stages where the Stage Type = “Open”.

Auto-Prepend Quote Number to All Quote/Output File Names

Check this box to auto-prepend the Quote Number and a dash to the file names of all Quote Files and output files saved and generated at the Desktop, making it easy to identify the Quote (via the Quote ID) with which each file is associated.  Please note that if File Auto-Saving is enabled, the Quote Number will be prepended automatically.  

Days Prior to Review Required Date to Send Reminder Emails

Enter a number for how many days prior to the review required date to send reminder emails to users who have content to review.

File Auto-Saving

Please see the File auto-saving help topic for more information.