Quote Files in the Excel Tool

A Quote File is an Excel file that contains specific information about the RFP response including customer information, sections of the RFP response, pricing/costing data, etc.   
  • Each Quote File represents a different RFP opportunity (i.e., project) 
  • A Quote File consists of tabs that contain specific information about the project 
  • Every RFP response does not require a Quote File; some RFP responses can be completed using only the Word Tool 

Open a new Quote File

  1. Open the Tool and go to File/Docs >> Open Quote File 

Open a New Quote Using the Current Quote File’s Info

You can open a new Quote File that copies information from the currently open Quote File’s Base Info tab that contains the customer and RFP project information.  This is helpful when you want to ….  
  • Start over with another Quote File 
  • Respond to a subsequent RFP from the same customer 
  • Create a 2nd option for an RFP response 
Open the Tool in Excel and go to Architect >> Open a New Quote File Based on Current while you have the previously-used Quote File open in Excel.

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