Upload Related Files to the Project File Location

You can upload all project-related files - including drawings, PDFs, quotes and forms - to the shared project file location. If you are responding to an RFP, we strongly recommend that you upload the original RFP document.
  1. In the Excel or Word tool, go to Files/Docs >> Upload file to quote location (browse)  
  1. Browse for and locate the file you want to upload to the quote location 
  1. Select the File Type from the drop down (for example, “RFP Document”) 
  1. If you want to move the file instead of just copying it, check the box for “Move the file” 
  1. In the next window use the search features (or click Recent) to locate the opportunity (i.e., project) with which you want to associate the file 
  1. Highlight the opportunity and click Select

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